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Ⅰ 杭州西湖風景名勝區英文

West Lake(西湖)

Ⅱ 杭州西湖景點介紹英文版

1,Dream north street

North street dream is one of the famous scenic spots of west lake. Beishan street starts

from huancheng west road in the eastlingyin road in the west, west lake in the south and

gem mountain in the north.



2,Meijiawu tea culture village

Meijiawu tea culture village, located in the west hinterland of hangzhou west lake scenic

area, south of meiling tunnelalong the two sides of meiling road as long as ten miles,

known as "ten miles meiwu", is one of the west lake longjing tea protection area and the

main procing area.



3,Santai mountain scenic spot

Santai mountain scenic area is a combination of zhejiang mountain and jiangnan waterside

scenery, it is the core of bath lake scenic areaeast by yanggong causeway, west by santai

mountain road, north to turtle pool scenic area, south to hupao road.



4,Yang dike kageyuki

Yang di jingxing is one of the famous scenic spots in west lake. Yang gong causeway from

the north and south of the fifth bridge, remote south peakthree taishan, after the southern

song dynasty to the Ming dynasty, because there is a nearby sanxian temple, because of

the collection of virtuous here so the name of the bridge "jingxing".



5,Wan Song put

Wansong shuyuan is a scenic spot mainly composed of wansong academy, which is located

on the wansong ridge in the southeast of hangzhou city, zhejiang province.



Ⅲ 速求英文版的西湖旅遊介紹 (限時1h)

杭州西湖(west lake)下面有相關介紹:)~~

「上有天堂,下有蘇杭」英語是: "Just as there is paradise in heaven, ther are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth."

If you arrive by airplane, before the touchdown you must have already been pleasantly surprised to see a fascinating picture, in which the West Lake looks like a sparkling pearl imbedded in between a blue smudge of mountains and a metropolitan city, with the zigzagging Qiantang River floating by like a silver ribbon.

Yes, the West Lake has all along been extolled as a sparkling pearl. Legend has it that the lake used to be an auspicious pearl hewn into its sparkling shape by the Jade Dragon and the Golden Phoenix but it was later stolen by the Mother Queen of the West. When Jade Dragon and Golden Phoenix scrambled with the Mother Queen, this pearl accidentally fell onto a land that was known as Hangzhou.

This legend, which is certainly worlds apart from true history, sheds precious light on the fact that the West Lake is a treasure that the labouring people of Hangzhou have brought into shape through numerous generations of hard labour.

The mention of the Tale of the white Snake in the foregoing indicates that for those who know something about Chinese culture, the West Lake is something of a dream. Apart from its dream-like beauty, the West Lake is also associated with so many other dream-like tales, such as the well-known Butterfly Lovers, the Legends about Lord Ji, the Story about Li Huiniang, as well as legends about such famous men of letters as Ge Hong, Lin Hejing, and Wu Changshuo. Just as Yu Qiuyu, a well-known prose writer, has it, the West Lake is a " lake that belongs to culture".

My brief introction may give you some idea about the saying that the West Lake has so many beautiful thing to offer that you can simply not take them all in. What this tiny pictorial album presents is merely a corner of the West Lake through the eyes of Zhang Keqing, a photographer from Hangzhou. Zhang's perspective of the West Lake, no matter how limited, serves to mirror the three-dimensional beauty of the lake. Such beauty, if interpreted according to your imagination, can conjure up a perfect picture of the famed West Lake.

Ⅳ 杭州及其杭州景點的中英文對照的介紹

http://www.gotohz.com/ 杭州旅遊

這個網站有英文版 裡面資料是英語的
中文版 資料差不多專 你可以對照著屬看

Ⅳ 西湖介紹,要中英文

West Lake is located in the western area of Hangzhou City. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with an area of around 6.5 square kilometers. The circumference is around 15 kilometers.
West Lake is not only famous for its picturesque landscape, it is also associated with many scholars and national heroes. In addition, many ancient buildings in surrounding areas are among the most cherished national treasures of China, with significant artistic value.
Due to its prominent historical and cultural status among Chinese scenic resorts, West Lake was elected as a National Key Scenic Resort in 1982.Moreover, the picture of "Three Ponds Mirroring the Moon" was printed on the backs of RMB one yuan bill issued in 2004.


Ⅵ 求介紹瘦西湖的英語ppt


Ⅶ 印象西湖英文介紹

提 起 杭 州 西 湖 , 誰 不 為 之 心 馳 神 往 ! 人 們 常 常 把 杭 州 西 湖 和 瑞 士 日 內 瓦 的 萊 蒙 湖 比 喻 為 世 界 上 東 西 輝 映 的 兩 顆 明 珠 , 正 是 有 了 西 湖 , 才 使 杭 州 成 了 " 世 界 上 最 美 麗 華 貴 的 天 城 " 。 西 湖 奠 定 了 杭 州 旅 游 的 重 要 地 位 。
西 湖 位 於 杭 州 城 西 , 三 面 環 山 , 東 面 瀕 臨 市 區 , 南 北 長 3.3 公 里 , 東 西 寬 2.8 公 里 , 水 面 面 積 約 5.66 平 方 公 理 , 包 括 湖 中 島 嶼 為 6.3 平 方 公 理 , 湖 岸 周 長 15 公 理 。 水 的 平 均 深 度 在 1.5 米 左 右 , 最 濘 處 有 2.8 米 , 最 淺 處 不 到 1 米 。 蘇 堤 和 白 堤 將 湖 面 分 成 里 湖 、 外 湖 、 岳 湖 、 西 里 湖 和 小 南 湖 五 個 部 分 。 西 湖 處 處 有 勝 景 , 歷 史 上 除 有 " 錢 塘 十 景 " 、 " 西 湖 十 八 景 " 之 外 , 最 著 名 的 是 南 宋 定 名 的 " 西 湖 十 景 " 和 1985 年 評 出 的 " 新 西 湖 十 景 " 。 在 以 西 湖 為 中 心 的 60 平 方 公 理 的 園 林 風 景 區 內 , 分 布 著 主 在 風 景 名 勝 40 多 處 , 重 點 文 物 古 跡 30 多 處 。 概 括 起 來 西 湖 風 景 主 要 以 一 湖 、 二 峰 、 三 泉 、 四 寺 、 五 山 、 六 園 、 七 洞 、 八 墓 、 九 溪 、 十 景 為 勝 。 1982 年 西 湖 被 確 定 為 國 家 風 景 名 勝 區 , 1985 年 被 評 為 " 中 國 十 大 風 景 名 勝 " 之 一 。
" 天 下 西 湖 三 十 六 , 就 中 最 好 是 杭 州 " 。 來 杭 州 , 游 藝 機 西 湖 , 它 將 帶 您 進 入 一 個 如 詩 如 畫 的 人 間 天 堂 。


滿 隴 桂 雨
桂花學名「木樨」,是一種常綠小喬木,性喜濕潤,滿覺隴兩山夾峙,林木蔥蘢,地下水源豐富,環境宜於桂花生長。這里的山民以植桂售花為主要經濟來源,一代傳一代,終於造就了這一片「金粟世界」。如今更是家家戶戶皆植桂,屋前後,村內外,滿山坡,路兩旁,一叢叢,一片片,一層層,舉目皆是。每年中秋前後,幾番金風涼雨,秋陽復出之時,滿樹的桂花競相開放,流芳十里,沁透肺腑,誠如清人張雲敖七言絕句《品桂》所雲:「西湖八月足清游,何處香通鼻觀幽?滿覺隴旁金粟遍,天風吹墮萬山秋。」 桂花有金桂、銀桂、丹桂、四季桂等,花朵細小而量大盛開時,如逢露水重,往往隨風灑落,密如雨珠,人行桂樹叢中,沐「雨」披香,別有一番意趣。滿隴桂雨入圍新西湖十景後,滿覺隴村在有關部門支持下,年年九、十月間舉辦西湖金秋桂花節,南山一帶,車水人流,道為之阻,西湖秋遊又添一大韻事。

虎 跑 夢 泉


龍 井 問 茶

九 溪 煙 樹


吳 山 天 風
吳山為山不高,主位獨好,林茂泉豐,山上山四通八達,南宋以不,祠廟寺觀越建越多,至明清,商業店肆紛紛擠入,步步樓台,處處寺廟,香客遊人摩肩接踵,一片熱鬧景象。 城隍廟是吳山上最大的神廟,仿宮殿式建築,基址可尋。 廟內空庭中古木參天,氣象森嚴,大時樟樹至今鬱郁蔥蔥。在人們心目中,當年的城隍廟不可等閑視之,以至連山名也因此廟而順口叫做城隍山了。

阮 墩 環 碧
一九八一年,島上建環碧山莊。這是一座仿江南私家另墅格局建造的庄園式園林,芳名《環碧》,告訴人們她借景湖光山色的獨特優勢。庄內揭出大 於林杪之上,隨風招搖,頗存古風。 島上矮籬圍出庄園,園內茅屋竹閣,有環碧小築、雲水居等,輕盈靈巧。庭前屋後,植有香樟、楓楊、丹桂、紫薇、秀竹、芭蕉、常春藤等,既求其幽寧,又講究朴質。島邊近水處,別設憶芸亭,取追想阮芸台(阮元號芸台)治湖堆島、留績西湖之意。

環碧庄建築內部陳設古樸淡雅。日間, 乘船來訪者可在此品茗、小酌;晚上,有莊主《員外》率一幫《家僕》、《侍女》著古典戲裝與來客共行仿古 游樂文娛活動。

黃 龍 吐 翠

黃龍洞山門到二門之間,有一段長而曲折的游步道,若從空中俯看,猶如一條游龍沿路古木修篁, 花草清池, 矮牆漏窗,頗多可賞景物。它在寺觀園林構成上稱為《導引》,就像一支前奏曲,對遊人起著由俗入清、調整心、漸入佳景的作用。


黃龍洞竹景歷史悠久,竹徑通幽又是一絕。剛勁挺秀的大毛竹高達十多米,匯林成海;小巧的菲白竹卻又矮至二三十厘米,茸茸可愛;竿細色深的紫竹,據說早先引種自普陀山;羅漢竹、筆桿竹、黃金嵌碧玉竹等點綴在假山、庭園等處,風韻蕭爽。最值得一看的是方竹的竹,《體方有如削成,而勁挺堪為柱杖,亦異品也》。竹多,筍也多。每年清明前後,小雨初霽,暖風拂面,這里的牆邊、路旁、山腳、庭後,隨處有春筍破土而出,有的掀翻石塊, 勢不可擋; 有的兩三叢生,競爭激烈。寧靜的黃龍洞園里園處,洋溢著勃勃生機。

玉 皇 飛 雲
玉皇山介於西湖與錢塘江之間,海拔二百三十九米,凌空突兀,襯以藍天白雲,更顯得山姿雄峻巍峨。每當風起雲涌之時,佇立山巔登雲閣上,耳畔但聞習習之聲,時有雲霧撲面而來,飛渡而去。湖山空闊,江天 浩潮,此景此境被命名為[玉皇飛雲]:以其壯闊、崇高而入選新西湖十景。玉皇山介於西湖與錢塘江之間,海拔二百三十九米,凌空突兀,襯以藍天白雲,更顯得山姿雄峻巍峨。

Ⅷ 杭州西湖簡介(英文版)

Bridge today at the eastern end of Mt. Now many in the West Lake of bridges of all sizes, she is the biggest name. It is said that as early as the Tang Dynasty, the bridge has been built by people of Zhang Hu, "that Hangzhou Gushan Temple," the poem had "broken bridge." Yu-Ming Wang Ke "Debuted Chui I picked up on," says a section of the scenery of the West Lake of witty : "West Lake Zhi-sheng, clear lake better and Prevention and Prevention as Lake, Lake Lake ...... not like snow can really never whose traditional landscapes, earth and quite painful!" Hangzhou, located in the Jiangnan each short period of snow, snow days is rare. Once looked plain, and will create permanent, King often very different from the lake-snow conditions.

Expanding repertoire scenic attractions in the west, south of Gushan verge outside the West Lake. In fact, as the West Lake hit one of the Southern Song Dynasty when King expanding repertoire of no fixed site, and then from the Yuan and Ming dynasties Fu Yong literati of the occasion poems under more from the pan-night boat lake, the boat had to celebrate the perspective Writing is not hard to see, such as the Southern Song Dynasty SUN Rui poem "On cold condensate not flow Hanquan, where rafting Boating Songs" The phrase; HONG Bringing the ancestors of the poem reads : "Deng Qiu Ge people must waves wrinkle and mountains pavilion mirror st." stay-old ring the 1590s out of the West Lake Ten woodcut, "expanding repertoire," a tourist map also still in Lake boat Tsung first to cite the main picture.

Talk to a concept for the summer theme for the Home Sudi Chunxiao Xihu hit second. "Qu Yuan" was originally set up to the Southern Song Dynasty imperial court wine workshops, sealed at this HONGCHUN Bridge Road near the brink of the West Lake, Lakeshore, culture lotus lake shore, every summer, Xu Feng, lotus fragrance and flavor four elegant, it is not to drink drunk. Southern Song Dynasty poet Wang Wei poems, praise : "In summer people from 103177, bird Yun brocade evening cooler days. Drainage love with the person shows -- far too Takahashi side trip to buy boats. "Qu homes graally eliminate the bad and cultivation of waste. Qing Emperor Kangxi goods that hit the West Lake, in Sudi inter-bank built Lotus Hongqiao King Tablet and Pavilion. The left is only a small courtyard homes before the lake only a small lotus.


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